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Breakfast All Day movie reviews

Dec 27, 2021

We couldn’t let the year end without one final Marvel Monday episode of Breakfast All Day. Christy and Nic have a lengthy discussion about “Spider-Man: No Way Home,” which we both loved — so it’s kinda like she made her kid do work over winter break, but not really. We talk about how nuts our theater went at the many revelations, the interplay between the various characters, the film’s notions about the possibility of rehabilitation in a world of good vs. evil, Aunt May‘s fate, how terrifying Willem Dafoe is, whether “No Way Home” should be a contender for the best-picture Oscar and the many Easter eggs along the way. Thanks so much for supporting our little Marvel series — we’ve had so much fun doing it, and we hope we’ve brought you a little joy this year. Here’s to a happier and healthier 2022!