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Breakfast All Day movie reviews

Jun 15, 2019

Image result for toy story 4 forky

“Toy Story 4” doesn’t come out until next week, but we all liked it so much that we wanted to share an early review with you on the latest Breakfast All Day. AlonsoMatt and Christy also review a couple of other sequels: the empty and dull “Men in Black International” and yet another “Shaft,” starring three generations of the iconic blaxploitation character in one of the year’s worst films. And over at our Patreon, we discuss the debut of season two of “Big Little Lies,” as well as episode four of “The Handmaid’s Tale” season three. And much to Alonso’s dismay, we continue with trailer talk“Doctor Sleep,” a follow-up to “The Shining,” and “Frozen II.” ‘Cause when it comes to sequels, we just can’t let it go. Thanks for listening, and enjoy.