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Breakfast All Day movie reviews

Mar 27, 2021

Chris Hemsworth admits he found Thor: The Dark World to be a little 'meh' | Chris Hemsworth admits he found Thor: The Dark World to be a little 'meh'

We’ve made it to the eighth film in our Marvel Mondays series, “Thor: The Dark World” (2013), which is definitely a step down from the fun we had last week talking about “Iron Man 3.” Halfway through our viewing, Christy turned to Nicolas and wondered: “Have I seen this movie before?” That’s how forgettable it was. Nic summed up his opinion pretty succinctly — “It sucks” — and gave this sequel his lowest score yet. Thankfully, we have “Thor: Ragnarok,” one of the best movies in the MCU, on the horizon for us to revisit. If you’re watching along with us, we appreciate you making the slog this time, and thanks as always for joining us for our Breakfast All Day miniseries!