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Breakfast All Day movie reviews

Apr 5, 2021

A History Of Captain America And Bucky Barnes' Friendship - CINEMABLEND

This week’s Marvel Mondays episode couldn’t be more timely. We talk about “Captain America: The Winter Soldier,” which ties in nicely with “The Falcon and the Winter Soldier” on Disney+. Christy and Nicolas had a great discussion about how the Russo Brothers’ first Marvel movie is actually a ’70s-style paranoid political thriller (which makes the casting of Robert Redford such a nice touch). We also talk about the heartbreaking moment when Cap realizes that Bucky doesn’t recognize him, that kick-ass elevator fight scene and the notion of free will vs. the possibility of redemption. Heavy stuff for an 11-year-old, but we placed it within a hypothetical about stealing sour gummy worms from the market. Join us for a nibble on this Breakfast All Day miniseries!