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Breakfast All Day movie reviews

Jul 19, 2021

Six months later, we’ve reached the end of our Marvel Mondays journey on Breakfast All Day with our discussion of “Black Widow” — unless Christy makes her kid watch “Howard the Duck,” which some folks have requested. This week, Christy and Nicolas talk about what a badass Scarlett Johansson is, how a hilarious Florence Pugh nearly steals the whole thing, what a MacGuffin is and how “Black Widow” reminded Christy of a “Fast and Furious” movie because it’s all about #family. Lots of spoilers here because the movie has been out for about a week and a half, so be warned that we go all the way to the shocking implications of the closing credits scene. Nic and Christy have loved doing this series, and will resume as new Marvel movies come out — which means at least three more episodes this year. Thanks so much for spending time with us, and enjoy the rest of the summer.