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Breakfast All Day movie reviews

Feb 15, 2022

Time is a flat circle, which means you get a Breakfast All Day episode on a Tuesday. We’re trying some new things lately, including mixing in mid-week news, reviews and DVD recommendations. Christy and Alonso catch up with Steven Soderbergh’s high-tech thriller “Kimi,” which is streaming on HBO Max, and we have some DVD recommendations for you including “Eternals” and a 4K of “Looper.” And in news, we discuss the Oscars announcing they’ll recognize a “most-popular” movie viewers can vote on, Super Bowl ads, Bob Saget conspiracy theories, the death of Ivan Reitman at 75 and more. Be sure to come back on Friday when we’ll have reviews of “Uncharted” and “Dog,” plus all our TV recaps on our Patreon. Let us know what you’d like to see more or less of, and thanks as always for joining us.