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Breakfast All Day movie reviews

Jul 30, 2021

Jungle Cruise' sees Emily Blunt and Dwayne Johnson shine: Review

Hop in and go for a ride with us on Breakfast All Day. This week’s movies are all about travel: “Jungle Cruise,” the latest film version of a Disney theme park ride; “The Green Knight,” David Lowery’s gorgeous and trippy Arthurian quest; and “Stillwater,” starring Matt Damon as an Oklahoma dad fighting to...

Jul 24, 2021

Old,” Reviewed: M. Night Shyamalan's New Old-School Sci-Fi Movie | The New Yorker

We missed you guys last week but we're back with a packed episode of Breakfast All Day. Christy has returned from vacation and joins Alonso and Matt to review a bunch of movies: M. Night Shyamalan's latest thriller "Old," the silly G.I. Joe origin story "Snake Eyes," Val Kilmer looking back on his career in the...

Jul 19, 2021

Six months later, we’ve reached the end of our Marvel Mondays journey on Breakfast All Day with our discussion of “Black Widow” — unless Christy makes her kid watch “Howard the Duck,” which some folks have requested. This week, Christy and Nicolas talk about what a badass Scarlett Johansson is, how...

Jul 12, 2021

Review: “Spider-Man: Far from Home” Presents the Illusion of a Good Movie | The New Yorker

We’re getting close to the end of our Marvel Mondays journey — at least for now — with “Spider-Man: Far From Home” (2019). Christy and Nic agree this sequel isn’t as good as the infectiously joyous “Spider-Man: Homecoming” from a couple years earlier, and that it works better as a teenage romantic...

Jul 9, 2021

Black Widow' Review: Spies, Lies and Family Ties - The New York Times

We’re definitely in summer now with the release of the long-awaited blockbuster “Black Widow.” Christy, Matt and Alonso have a Breakfast All Day review of Scarlett Johansson’s standalone superhero movie, which originally was scheduled to come out in May 2020. Now, you can see it in theaters or at home through...