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Breakfast All Day movie reviews

Jul 19, 2019

Image result for crawl movie

We couldn’t let “Crawl” slink away from us without talking about it on Breakfast All Day. AlonsoMatt and Christy play catch-up this week with the supremely schlocky thriller, which weirdly wasn’t screened for critics before opening day. We also review Lynn Shelton’s largely improvised indie comedy “Sword of Trust,” which features a great Marc Maron performance. As a little bonus, we give you a taste of the kind of content you can enjoy over at our Patreon with trailer talk about “It Chapter Two” and the featurette for “Cats.” (The full trailer for the musical extravaganza came out after we recorded, but we’ll be sure to discuss it next week.) And if you’re looking for our discussion of the big movie of the week, Disney’s live-action incarnation of “The Lion King,” we did an early review of that on the previous episode. Thanks as always for joining us.